1. E.W. Adams, “The Foundations of Rigid Body Mechanics and the Derivation of its Laws from those of Particle Mechanics”, in: The Axiomatic Method (Henkin, Suppes, Tarski (eds.)), Amsterdam.
2. W. Balzer and H. Göttner, “A Theory of Literature Logically Reconstructed”, to appear in Poetics (A German version is to appear in: Die Logik empirischer Theorien (W. Balzer and M. Heidelberger (eds.)), Berlin).
3. W. Balzer and C.U. Moulines, “On Theoreticity”, Synthese 44.
4. W. Balzer and F. Mühlhölzer, “Klassische Stoßmechanik”, to appear in Zeitschrift für allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie.
5. W. Balzer, Empirische Geometrie und Raum-Zeit-Theorie in mengentheoretischer Darstellung, Kronberg i.Ts.