1. Mathematics and Industry, OECD report (2008).
2. ESF Forward Look on “Mathematics and Industry”, European Science Foundation, Strasbourg (2010).
3. Euler, L.: Lettres a une Princesse d’Allemagne sur divers sujets de Physique et de Philosophie. Petersburg, 1768, 1772, 3 vols. (a third edition of the English translation was published in Edinburgh in 1823 and is available at
4. Thomson (Lord Kelvin), W.: Popular Lectures and Essays, vol. II, pp. 571–592. Macmillan and Co., London (1894)
5. Reis, F.E.: Enciclopedismo – conhecimento para um público diversificado. In: Reis, F.E. (ed.) Felicidade Utilidade e Instrução - A divulgação científica no jornal enciclopédico dedicado à rainha 1779, 1788–1793; 1806. Porto Editora, Porto (2005)