1. Artzy, E. Display of three-dimensional information in computed tomography. Comp. Graph, and Image Processing 9 (Feb, 1979 ), 196–198.
2. Artzy, E., Frieder, G., and Herman, G.T. The theory, design, implementation and evaluation of a three-dimensional surface detection algorithm. Comp. Graph, and Image Processing. To appear.
3. Artzy, E., Frieder, G., Herman, G.T. and Liu, H.K., A system for three-dimensional dynamic display of organs from computed tomograms. Proceedings, Sixth Conference on Computer Applications in Radiology & Computer/Aided Analysis of Radiological Images, Newport Beach, California (June 1979), 285–290.
4. Artzy, E. and Herman, G.T., Boundary detection in 3-dimensions with a medical application. Comp. Graph., to appear.
5. Fuchs, H., Kedem, Z.M., and Uselton, S.P. Optimal surface reconstruction from planar contours. Comm. ACM 20 (Oct. 1977), 693–702. (Also presented at SIGGRAPH ’77.)