1. B. DUNBRIDGE, “Digital Signal Processing, Applications and Technology” High speed digital technologies conference, San Diego, 1981.
2. G. NUZILLAT and Coll., IEEE J. of SSC, Vol. SC 17, n∘3, p. 568, 1982. See also G. NUZILLAT and Coll., IEE proceedings I, Solid state and elect. Dev., Vol. 127, n∘ 5, 1980. See also MASAYUKI ABE and Coll., IEEE trans ED 29, n∘ 7, July 82.
3. P. T. GRELLING, MSN, p. 96, Nov. 84.
4. A. BARNA, C. A. LIECHTI, IEEE, SC 14, n∘ 4, Aug. 79.
5. J. F. PONE and Coll., IEEE, Ed. 29, n∘ 8, p. 1244, 1982.