Springer Berlin Heidelberg
Reference5 articles.
1. G. Nuzillat, “GaAs IC Technology for Ultra-High Speed Digital systems”, URSI XXIst General Assembly digest and lecture, Florence, Italy, Aug. 28 - Sept. 5, 1984, p. 496.
2. J. A. Valdmanis, G. Mourou, and C. W. Gabel, “Subpicosecond Electrical Sampling”, Proceedings of the SPIE, Vol. 439, Aug. 24–26, 1983, p. 142.
3. N. S. Nahman, J. R. Andrews, W. L. Gans, M. E. Guillaume, R. A. Lawton, A. R. Ondrejka and M. Young, “Application of Time Domain Methods to Microwave Measurements”, IEE Proc., Vol. 127, Pt. H, No. 2, April, 1980, p.
4. R. A. Lawton, S. M. Riad, J. R. Andrews, “Pulse and Time Domain Measurements”, IEEE Proc, Nov. 1985 (to be published).
5. W. L. Gans, “The Measurement and Deconvolution of Time Jitter in Equivalent-Time Waveform Samplers”, IEEE Trans. Instr. & Meas., Vol. IM-32, March 1983, p. 126.