1. R.M. Baecker - “Picture-Driven Animation”, AFIPS Conf. Proc., Vol 34, Spring Joint Computer Conf 1969, pp 273–288.
2. I.F. Chang - “Sharing Information via Intelligent Public Information System (IPIS)’, (Keynote address), in Proceedings of ‘South East Asia Regional Computer Conference’, Thailand, 1986.
3. T.S. Chua, W.H. Wong and K.C. Chu - “The Design of an Animation Package for Public Information Applications”, in Proc of Inter-Faculty Symposium on ‘Computer Graphics and Image Processing’, NUS, Sep 87.
4. T.S. Chua, W.H. Wong and K.C. Chu - “SOLAR - a Structured Object- Oriented Language for Animators”, Technical Report No 39, Institute of Systems Science, Nov 1987.
5. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 6 (8), Aug 1986.