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2. Bellmann, K., Lasch, P., Hofmann, G., Anders, S.,Schulz, H.; The PEMU-Forest Impact Model FORSTK - a Pine Stand Decline and Wood Supply Model. III. Sympos. Syst. Analysis and Simulation, Proceedings, 1988.
3. Sydow, A., Bellmann, K., Straubel, R., Imming, I., Kaschenz, H., Damrath, U., Hofmann, G., Anders, S.: PEMU - an Impact Model Based Environmental Protection Decision Support System. III. Sympos. Syst. Analysis and Simulation, Proceedings, 1988
4. Sydow, A., Bellmann, K., Matthäus, E., Rudolph, P., Straubel, K., WittmU3, A.: Computer Aided Systems Analysis: Methods and Tools, III. Symp. Syst. Analysis and Simulation, Proceedings, 1988 (published by Akademie-Verlag Berlin)