1. N.C. Christofilos: unpublished manuscript (1950).
2. E.D. Courant, M.S. Livingston, H.S. Snyder: Phys. Rev. 88 (1952) 1190.
3. D.W. Kerst: Symp. High-Energy Accel. and Pion Physics, CERN (1956), CERN Report 56-26, p. 36.
4. G.K. O’Neill: Symp. High-Energy Accel. and Pion Physics, CERN (1956), CERN Report 56-26, p. 64.
5. K.R. Symon, A.M. Sessler: Symp. High-Energy Accel. and Pion Physics, CERN (1956) CERN Report 56-26, p. 44.