Springer Berlin Heidelberg
Reference43 articles.
1. The first to use rate equations for photons was, of course, Einstein; — In connection with masers, they were first applied by H. Statz and G.A. de Mars, in: Quantum Electronics, ed. by C.H. Townes, p. 530–537. New York: Columbia University Press 1960; — Rate equations have been used by a great number of authors, see e.g. the monographs on lasers quoted on p. 1-2, in particular the book of Birnbaum. The general treatment of VIII. 1 b seems to be new, however
2. Rate equations in quantized form were introduced by K. Shimoda, H. Takahasi, and C.H. Townes: Proc. Phys. Soc. Japan 12, 686 (1957). See also the footnote 1 on p. 247.
3. H. Haken and H. Sauermann: Z. Physik 173, 261 (1963).
4. C.L. Tang, H. Statz, and G.A. de Mars: J. Appl. Phys. 34, 2289 (1963); — This statement is true up to a pump rate which causes an unsaturated inversion less than about 9 times the threshold inversion. Above this value a certain type of phase locking occurs, the rate equations cease to be valid, and undamped, ultrashort pulses are formed in the laser
5. For the derivation of the condition for this new state see: R. Graham and H. Haken: Z. Physik 213, 420 (1968).
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