1. H.I. JOSCHEK, “Risk Assessment in the Chemical Industry”, Procs. of ANS/ENS Topical Meeting on PRA, Port Chester N.Y., September 1981.
2. “Guidelines for Control Room Design Reviews”, NUREG-0700, September 1981.
3. R.G. KINCADE, J. ANDERSON, “Human Factors Guide for Nuclear Power Plant Control Room Development” EPRI-NP 3659, August 1984.
4. W.E. GILMORE, “Human Engineering Guidelines for the Evaluation and Assessment of Visual Display Units”, NUREG/CR-4227, July 1985.
5. K.J. VOSKA & J.N. O‘BRIEN, “Human Error Probability Estimation Using Licensee Event Reports”, NUREG/CR 3579, July 1984.