1. Martini L: Personal biography and letter, July 1992.
2. Martini L, Morpurgo C (1955) Neurohumoral control of the release of adrenocorticotrophic hormone. Nature 175:127.
3. Motta M, Mangili G, Martini L (1965) A “short” feedback loop in the control of ACTH secretion. Endocrinology 77:392.
4. Martini L (1966) Neurohypophysis and anterior pituitary activity. In: Harris GW, Donovan BT (eds) The pituitary gland, vol 3. Butterworths, London, pp 535–577.
5. Martini L, Fraschini F, Motta M (1968) Neural control of anterior pituitary function. Recent Prog Horm Res 24:429.