1. Andrews, J.S.: Cereal Chem. 21, 398 (1944).
2. Andrews, J.S., H.M. Boyd and D.E. Terry: Cereal Chem. 19,55 (1942).
3. Association of Official Agricultural Chemists: J. Assoc. Offic.Agr. Chemists 32, 108 (1949); Methods of Analysis, 7th ed., Washington 4, D.C., p. 784,1950.
4. Association of Vitamin Chemists: Methods of Vitamin Assay, 2nd ed., New York: Interscience Publishers, Inc. 1951.
5. Barton-Wright, E.C.: The Microbiological Assay of the Vitamin B Complex and Amino Acids. London: Pitman Publishing Corporation 1952.