1. H. J. H. Fenton, Oxidation of Tartaric Acid in presence of iron, J. Chem. Soc. Transaction, 1894, 65, 899-911.
2. Rajagopal Chattopadhyaya, Oxidative Damage to DNAConstituent by Iron-Mediated Fenton Reactions – the Thymidine Family, J. Biomol.Struc. and Dynamics, 2012, 1-15 and the references cited.
3. Bill Aiken, Time Travel in a Cup, Railbandhu (a magazine for on-board reading, Indian Railways, July 2011, 44-46.
4. Linus Pauling, “Nutrition and Cancer”, Plenary Lecture in The First Asian & Pacific Chemistry (
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5. Valeria Balogh-Nair and Koji Nakanishi, The Stereochemistry of Vision, in Stereochemistry, Ed. Tamm, Elsevier Biomedical Press, 1982, Chapter 7, pp 283-334.