1. M. Blann, Code ALICE/85/300; UCID-20169, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (1984), and references therein
2. R. Nowotny and M. Uhl, in Handbook on Nuclear Activation Data (Technical Report Series No. 273), p. 441, IAEA, Vienna (1987)
3. M. Blann, in Proc. IAEA Consultants’ Meeting on Data Requirements for Medical Radioisotope Production, April 1987, Tokyo, Japan (Edited by K. Okamoto), INDC(NDS)-195/GZ, p. 115, IAEA, Vienna (1988)
4. E. Gadioli, E. Gadioli-Erba, J. Asher and D.J. Parker: Z. Phys. A 317, 155 (1984)
5. R. Michel, F. Peiffer and R. Stück: Nucl. Phys. A441, 617 (1985), and references therein