1. Proceedings of the Conference on Nuclear Data Evaluation Methods and Procedures, September 1980, Upton, NY, USA, BNL-NSC-51363, Brookhaven National Laboratory(1980)
2. IAEA Specialists’ Meeting on the “Format for the Exchange of Evaluated Neutron Nuclear Data”, April 1984, Vienna, Austria, INDC(NDS)-156, IAEA(1984)
3. ENDF-102, Data Formats and Procedures for the Evaluated Nuclear Data File, ENDF-6 (Edited by P.F. Rose and C.L. Dunford), BNL-NCS-44945, Brookhaven National Laboratory(1990)
4. ENDF-351, ENDF/B-VI Neutron Cross Section Standards, to be published US National Institute of Standards and Technology
5. Evaluated Nuclear Structure Data File, edited and maintained by the National Nuclear Data Center, Brookhaven National Laboratory on behalf of the International Network for Nuclear Structure Data Evaluation. Summary of file contents and published documentation appear on page ii of any issue of the Nuclear Data Sheets journal.