1. Gauthier, Richard, and Pont, Stephen. Designing Systems Programs, (C), Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, N.J., 1970.
2. Hoare, C. A. R. Proof of a program, FIND. Comm. ACM 14, 1 (Jan. 1971), 39–45.
3. Parnas, D. L. A technique for software module specification with examples. Comm. ACM 15, 5 (May, 1972), 330–336.
4. Parnas, D. L. Information distribution aspects of desigmethodology. Tech. Rept., Depart. Computer Science, Carnegie-Mellon U., Pittsburgh, Pa., 1971. Also presented at the IFIP Congress 1971, Ljubljana, Yugoslavia.
5. Dijkstra, E. W. The structure of “THE”-multiprogramming system. Comm. ACM 11, 5 (May 1968), 341–346.