1. Anderson, T. (1975). Provably Safe Programs, Technical Report No. 70, Computing Laboratory, University of Newcastle upon Tyne.
2. Anderson, T. and Kerr, R. (1976). Recovery Blocks in Action: A System Supporting High Reliability, Proceedings of Second International Conference on Software Engineering, pp. 447–457. (Also Chap. 2)
3. Anderson, T., Lee, P. A. and Shrivastava, S. K. (1978). A Model of Recoverability in Multilevel Systems, IEEE Trans, on Software Engineering, SE-4, 6, pp. 486–494. (Also Chap. 5)
4. Avizienis, A. (1975). Fault-Tolerance and Fault-Intolerance: Complementary Approaches to Reliable Computing, Proceedings of 1975 Conference on Reliable Software, pp. 458–463.
5. Borgerson, B. R. (1973). Spontaneous Reconfiguration in a Fail-Softly Computer Utility, Datafair 73, pp. 326–331.