Compton Effect


Evans Robley D.


Springer Berlin Heidelberg

Reference8 articles.

1. Compton, A. H., and S. K. Allison: “X-rays in Theory and Experiment”, 2nd edit., 828 pp. New York: Van Nostrand 1935. — The standard reference work covering all aspects of the production of x-rays and their interaction with matter, as known up to 1935.

2. Compton, A. H.: Quantum Theory of the Scattering of X-rays by Light Elements. Phys. Rev. 21, 483 (1923). — The basic “discovery paper” presenting what later came to be called the Compton effect.

3. Davisson, C. M., and R. D. Evans: Gamma-ray Absorption Coefficients. Rev. Mod. Phys. 24, 79 (1952). — Comprehensive review of the theory of Compton-, photoelectric, and pair production interactions, and of experimental measurements of x-ray and γ-ray attenuation coefficients, through 1951. X-rays of low energy (below the K edge) are not included. Graphs and tables for σ, τ, ϰb, and μ 0 per atom for 24 elements, from hv 0 = 0.1 Mev to 6 Mev or higher.

4. Evans, R. D.: The Atomic Nucleus, 972 pp. New York: McGraw-Hill 1955. — Textbook and reference book on nuclear physics. Chap. 23, 24, 25 deal with interaction of photons with matter; theory, experiment, applications, and graphs.

5. Heitler, W.: The Quantum Theory of Radiation, 3rd edit., 430 pp. Oxford: University Press 1954. — Standard treatise on theory of interaction of photons with matter. No detailed experimental treatment.

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