Springer Berlin Heidelberg
Reference11 articles.
1. It is difficult to trace the first statement of this principle. It is clearly contained. in the writer’s article in Proc. Am. I’hilos. Soc.,93, 521 (1949)
2. It is difficult to trace the first statement of this principle but may have been recognized about that time also by others, cf. T. Okayama, Phys. Rev., 75, 308 (1949).
3. C. N. Yang informs me that the purpose of introducing an imaginary character to the reflection properties of certain fermions in the paper of J. Tiomno and C. N. Yang (Phys. Rev.,79, 495 (1950))
4. C. N. Yang was to explain this principle. Cf. also L. I. Schiff, Phys. Rev., 85, 374 (1952)
5. P. Jordan, Z. f. Nalurf., 7a, 78 (1952).