1. R.F. Wood: Laser Damage in Optical Materials ( Adam Hilger, Bristol 1986 )
2. Reviews of laser-materials interactions, optical damage, and related topics are published in a topical issue of Opt. Eng 28 (1989)
3. E. Matthias, R.W. Dreyfus: In Photoacoustic, Photothermal, and Photochemical Processes at Surfaces and in Thin Films, ed. by P. Hess Springer Topics Cur. Phys. Vol. 47 (Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg 1989 ) p. 89
4. L.L. Chase, A.W. Hamza, H.W. W. Lee: In Laser Ablation: Mechanisms and Applications, Springer Lect. Notes Phys, Vol. 389, ed. by J.C. Miller, R.F. Haglund ( Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg 1991 ) p. 193
5. F. Rainer, R.M. Brusasco, J.H. Campbell, F.P. Demarco, R.P. Gonzales, M.R. Koslowski, F.P. Milanovich, A.J. Morgan, M.S. Scrivener, M.C. Staggs, I.M. Thomas, S.P. Velsko, C.R. Wolfe: In Laser Induced Damage in Optical Materials 1989. NIST Special Publication No. 801. SPIE 1438, 74 (1990)