1. National Lead Company:1) Gamma Shielding, Catalog No. F-85-62.
2. Th. Rockwell III (Ed.): Reactor Shielding Design Manual, Princeton, N.J.: D. Van Nostrand 1956.
3. A. Hönig: The Attenuation Factors for Broad Beam Gamma Radiation in Lead, Steel, Concrete, and Water. Inzenyske Stavby 3, 117–130 (1968).
4. W. H. Steigelmann: Radioisotope Shielding Design Manual, NYO-10721, 20–112 (July 1963).
5. W. J. Stapp and M. Tetenbaum: Radiation Damage, Chapter 52 in “Reactor Handbook”, 2nd Ed., Vol. I, ed. by C. R. Tipton, Jr., New York: Interscience Publishers 1960.