1. Cohen, E.; Jefferson, D.: Protection in the HYDRA Operating System. Operating Systems Reviews 9(1975)5, 141–160
2. Graham, G.S.; Denning, P.J.: Protection — principles and practice. Proceedings Spring Joint Computer Conference 1972, 417–429
3. Monads Report;JL Keedy,1979
4. Lampson, B.W.: A note on the confinement problem. CACM 16(1973)10, 613–615
5. Lauer, H.C.; Needham, R.M.: On the duality of operating system structures. Second Int. Symp. on Operating Systems, IRIA, Rocquencourt, Frankreich, 1978 (nachgedruckt in Operating Systems Reviews 13(1979)2, 3 – 19)