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2. Alberti, G.: ${\Re}$ eALIS: An Interpretation System which is Reciprocal and Lifelong. In: Workshop ‘Focus on Discourse and Context-Dependence’. Center for Language and Comm., Amsterdam (2009), http://www.hum.uva.nl/aclc/events.cfm/C2B8E596-1321-B0BE-6825998CFA642DB2 , http://lingua.btk.pte.hu/realispapers
3. Alberti, G.: ${\Re}$ eALIS: Interpreters in the World, Worlds in the Interpreter. Academic Press, Budapest (2011) (in Hungarian)
4. Alberti, G., Kleiber, J.: The GeLexi MT Project. In: Hutchins, J. (ed.) Proceedings of EAMT 2004 Workshop, pp. 1–10. Univ. of Malta, Malta (2004)
5. Alberti, G., Kleiber, J.: The Grammar of ${\Re}$ eALIS and the Implementation of its Dynamic Interpretation. Informatica 34/1, 103–110 (2010)