1. B. Arons, C. Binding, K. Lantz, C. Schmandt. The VOX Audio Server. 2nd IEEE COMSOC International Multimedia Communications Workshop, Montebello, Quebec, Canada, Apr. 1989.
2. David Anderson, Pamela Chan; Toolkit Support for Multiuser AudioNideo Applications; 2nd International Workshop on Network and Operating System Support for Digital Audio and Video, Heidelberg, November 18–19, 1991.
3. David P. Anderson; Meta-Scheduling for Distributed Continuous Media; Computer Science Division (EECS) Report No. UCB/CSD 90/599, U. C. Berkeley, Berkeley CA, October 1990.
4. Apple; QuickTime Developer’s Kit Version 1.0; Apple Document Number 030–1899.
5. George Champine, Daniel Geer, William Ruh; Project Athena as a Distributed Computer System; IEEE Computer, vol. 23 no. 9, September 1990, pp. 40–51.