Multibody Systems


Roberson Robert E.,Schwertassek Richard


Springer Berlin Heidelberg

Reference34 articles.

1. Roberson, R.E., “Computer-oriented dynamic modeling of spacecraft: historical evolution of Eulerian multibody formalisms since 1750”, 28 th International Astronautical Congress (Prag, 25 Sep–1 Oct 1977), IAF Paper 77-A 11.

2. Schwertassek, R., “Der Roberson/Wittenburg Formalismus und das Programmsystem MULTIBODY zur Rechnersimulation von Mehrkörpersystemen”, DFVLR-FB-78-08, Köln, DFVLR, Wissenschaftliches Berichtswesen, 1978. [English language edition: “The Roberson/Wittenburg formalism and the package MULTIBODY for computer simulations of multibody systems”, European Space Agency, ESA-TT-557, Nov 1979.]

3. Jaschinski, A., Duffek, W., “Evaluation of bogie models with regard to dynamic curving performance of rail vehicles”, The Dynamics of Vehicles on Roads and on Railway Tracks, Proc. 8th IAVSD Symposium (Cambridge, Mass.), Swets and Zeitlinger, Amsterdam, 1984.

4. Morman, K.N. Jr., Giannopoulos, F., “Recent advances in the analytical and computational aspects of modelling active and passive vehicle suspensions”, Computational Methods in Ground Transportation Vehicles, (M.M. Kamal, J.A. Wolf, eds.), ASME, AMD Vol.50, 1982, pp.75–115.

5. Kortüm, W., Utzt, A., “Control law design and dynamic evaluations for a MAGLEV vehicle with combined lift and guidance”, Proc. 1983 American Control Conf. (San Francisco, Jun 1983), Vol.1, pp.276–283.







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