1. Y. C. Tao, R. V. Ramnath, Satellite Attitude Prediction by Multiple Time Scales, in Proceedings of NASA Flight Mechanics and Estimation Theory Symposium, Goddard Space Flight Center, Oct 1975. Also C.S. Draper Lab. Rept. R-930 (Cambridge, MA, Dec 1975)
2. Y. C. Tao, R. V. Ramnath, On the Attitude Motion of an Orbiting Rigid Body Under the Influence of Gravity Gradient Torque, in Proceedings AIAA Astrodynamics Conference (Palo Alto, 1978)
3. Y. C. Tao, R. V. Ramnath, Design of A Magnetic Attitude Control by an Asymptotic Method, in Proceedings of AIAA Astrodynamics Conference, Sept 1977, ed. by W. Y. Jackson. Also Report P-1138, The Charles Stark Draper Laboratory (Cambridge, MA, July 1980)
4. R. V. Ramnath, A Multiple Scales Approach to the Analysis of Linear Systems, USAFFDL-TR-68-60, Wright-Patterson AFB, OH, 1960, also R.V. Ramnath, G. Sandri, A Generalized Multiple Scales Approach to a Class of Linear Differential Equations, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 28 (1969)
5. Y. C. Tao, Satellite Attitude Prediction by Multiple Scales. Sc D Dissertation Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Cambridge, MA, 1979)