1. Cardozo, B.L. (1971); Frequency Discrimination of Short Sinusoïds as a Function of Signal-to-Noise Ratio. IPO Annual Progress Report no. 6.
2. Maiwald, D. (1967); Beziehungen zwischen Schallspektrum, Mithörschwelle und der Erregung des Gehörs. Acustica 18, 69.
3. Rakowski, A. (1971); Pitch Discrimination at the Threshold of Hearing. Proc. 7th ICA, Budapest, 20H6.
4. Ritsma, R.J. (1962); Existence Region of the Tonal Residue I, JASA 34, 1224.
5. Ritsma, R.J. (1968); On the Response Characteristics of the Ear. IPO Annual Report no. 3.