1. Blainville: Bull. Soc. Philomatique, Paris 1817, p. 82.
2. Knox, R.: Observations on the Anatomy of the Duckbilled Animal of New South Wales. Mem. Wernerian Soc. Nat. Hist 1824.
3. Martin und Tidswell: Observations on the Anatomy of the Duckbilled Animal of New South Wales. a. a. O.
4. Martin, C. J. und Tidswells F. Observations on the femoral gland of Ornithorhynchus and its secretion etc. Proc. Linn. Soc. of New South Wales, July 1894.
5. Anatomisches bei Meckel: Deutsch. Arch. f. Phys., Bd. 8, 1823; „Descriptio anatomica Ornithorhynchi paradoxi“, Lips. 1826.