1. D. Avrilionis, P-Y. Cunin, and C. Fernström. OPSIS: AView Mechanism for Software which Supports their Evolution and Reuse. InProceedings of the 18’ h International Conference on Software Engineering, Berlin, March 1996.
2. S. Bandinelli, A. Fugetta, and S. Grigolli.Process Modelling In-the-Large with SLANG. InProceedings of the 2 nd International Conference on the Software Process — Continuous Software Process Improvement, pages 75–83, Berlin, Germany, February 1993.
3. N.S. Barghouti, E. Koutsofios, and E. Cohen.Improvise: Interactive Multimedia Process Visualization Environment. InSoftware Engineering — ESEC’95, 5 th European Software Engineering Conference, pages 28–43, Sitges, Spain, September 1995. Springer. Appeared as Lecture Notes in Computer Science no. 989.
4. T.d. Bunje, G. Engels, L. Gronewegen, A. Matsinger, and M. Rijnbeek.Industrial maintenance modelled in SOCCA: an Experience Report. InProceedings of the 4 th International Conference on the Software Process — Improvement and Practice, Brighton, UK, December 1996. To appear at ICSP4.
5. R. Conradi, C. Fernstrdm, A. Fugetta, and R. Snowdown.Towards a Reference Framework for Process Concepts. In J.-C. Demiame, editor,Software Process Technology — Proceedings of the 2 nd European Software Process Modeling Workshop, pages 3–17, Trondheim, Norway, September 1992. Springer. Appeared as Lecture Notes in Computer Science 635.