1. W. Pfenninger and J. W. Bacon: About the development of swept laminar suction wings with full chord laminar flow. Northrop Rep. BLC 130, NOR 60–229 (1960). See also Boundary Layer and Flow Control, G. V. Lachmann, editor, Vol. 2, pp. 1007–1032, Pergamon Press (1961).
2. W. Pfenninger: Some results from the X-21 program, Part I, Flow phenomena at the leading edge of swept wings. Agardograph 97, Part N (May 1965).
3. F. Bauer, P. Garabedian, D. Korn, and A. Jameson: Supercritical wing sections II. Springer Verlag, No. 108 (1975).
4. W. Pfenninger, H. L. Reed, and J. R. Dagenhart: Design considerations of advanced supercritical low drag suction airfoils. Viscous Flow Drag Reduction, edited by G. R. Hough, Vol. 72 of Progress in Astronautics and Aeronautics (1980). (Presented at the Symposium for Viscous Drag Reduction, Dallas, November 1979).
5. A. Powell: Boundary layer crossflow stability analysis on swept LFC wings. NASA Langley Contract NAS1–16220, Progress Report, ACEE-21-SA-2780 (1982).