1. Ayres, R. F., VLSI — Silicon Compilation and the Art of Automatic Microchip Design, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, N.J, (1983) Describes a language based approach to VLSI design specification and automatic layout generation
2. Bandurski, A. E., D. K. Jefferson, “Data Description for Computer-Aided Design”, Proc.ACM SIGMOD Conference, (May 1975) Using a COD ASYL database system for a ship design application
3. Beetem, A., et. al., “Performance of Database Management in VLSI Design”, IEEE TC on Database Engineering Newsletter, V 5, N 2, (June 1982) A study of whether commercial database systems can provide adequate performance for VLSI CAD aplications. The answer is a guarded “yes”, and depends critically on a proper choice of database structure
4. Bobrow, D., M. Stefik, “The LOOPS Manual: A Data and Object Oriented Programming System for InterLisp”, Knowledge-Based VLSI Design Group Memo KB-VLSI-81-13, Xerox Palo Alto Research Center, (August 1982) Describes the use of design libraries based on layers and environments
5. Brown, H., C. Tong, G. Foyster, “Pallidio: An Exploratory Environment for Circuit Design”, IEEE Computer Magazine, V 16, N 12, (December 1983) A VLSI Design Expert System