1. 1. Lundin, P.: From Computing Machines to IT: Collecting, Documenting, and Preserving Source Material on Swedish IT-History. In: Impagliazzo, I., J??rvi, T., Paju, P. (eds.) History of Nordic Computing 2: Second IFIP WG9.7 Conference, HiNC2, Turku, Finland, August 21-23 (2007)
2. 2. Revised Selected Papers, pp. 65-73. Springer, Berlin (2009)
3. Lundin, P.: Documenting the Use of Computers in Swedish Society between 1950 and 1980: Final Report on the Project From Computing Machines to IT. KTH, Stockholm (2010)
4. Economist Intelligence Unit: Resilience Amid Turmoil. Benchmarking IT Industry Competitiveness 2009 (2009)
5. Swedish National Archives, Arninge, Swedish Board for Computing Machinery Archives, D IV:1 Besöksbok (1949-1959)