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2. A.N. NETRAVALI, J.O. LIMB, «Picture coding : a review», Pr. of the IEEE, 68, No 3, March 1980, pp. 366–406.
3. E. DUBOIS, B. PRASADA, M. S. SABRI, «Image sequence coding», Chap. 3 in ‘Image sequence analysis’, edited by T.S. HUANG, Springer-Verlag, 1981, pp. 229–287.
4. N. KESKES, F. KRETZ, H. MAITRE, «Statistical study of edges in TV pictures», IEEE Tr. on Comm., 27, No 8, August 1979, pp. 1239–1247.
5. B.R. HUNT, «Nonstationary statistical image models and their application to image data compression», Computer graphics and image processing, 12, No 2,1980, pp. 173–186.