1. Adleman LM (1983) On breaking the iterated Merkle–Hellman public-key cryptosystem. In: Advances in cryptology, Proceedings, Crypto 82, Santa Barbara, 23–25 Aug 1982, Plenum Press, New York, pp 303–308, more details appeared in “On breaking generalized knapsack public key cryptosystems,” TR-83–207, Computer Science Department, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, March 1983
2. Arazi B (1980) A trapdoor multiple mapping. IEEE Trans Inform Theory 26(1):100–102
3. Brickell EF (1983a) Solving low density knapsacks in polynomial time. In: IEEE international symposium on information theory, St. Jovite, 26–30 Sep 1983, Abstract of papers, pp 129–130
4. Brickell EF (1983b) A new knapsack based cryptosystem, presented at Crypto 83, Santa Barbara, 21–24 Aug 1983
5. Brickell EF (1984) Solving low density knapsacks. In: Advances in cryptology, Proceedings, Crypto 83, Santa Barbara, 21–24 Aug 1983, Plenum Press, New York, pp 25–37