1. Bledsoe, W. W. Description of LISP Functions in the Theorem Prover, University of Texas Memo (Department of Mathematics), January 1970.
2. Morris, Jr., James B. Working Paper on a Proofchecker for Set Theory, University of Texas Memo (Department of Mathematics), May 1969.
3. Morris, Jr., James B. E-Resolution: Extension of Resolution to Include the Equality Relation, Proc, IJCAI, Washington, D.C., May 7–9, 1969.
4. Anderson, Robert. Completeness Results for E-resolution, Spring Joint Computer Conf, AFIPS Press, Montvale, N.J., May 5–7, 1970, pp. 653–6.
5. Robinson, G. A. and Wos, L. Paramodulation and Theorem-proving in First-order Theories with Equality, Machine Intelligence, Vol. IV, B. Meltzer and D. Michie (eds.), Edinburgh Press, 1969, pp. 135–150.