1. K.H. Homann, H.Gg. Wagner: “Some New Aspects of the Mechanism of Carbon Formation in Premixed Flames”, in Eleventh Symposium (International) on Combustion ( The Combustion Institute, Pittsburgh 1967 ) p. 371
2. H.F. Calcote: Combust. Flame 42, 215 (1981)
3. M. Frenklach, H. Wang: “Detailed Modeling of Soot Particle Nucleation and Growth”, in Twenty-Third Symposium (International) on Combustion ( The Combustion Institute, Pittsburgh 1991 ) p. 1559
4. M.B. Colket: “Successes and Uncertainties in Modeling Soot Formation in Laminar, Premixed Flames”, this volume, sect. 28; F. Mauss, B. Trilken, H. Breitbach, N. Peters: “Soot Formation in Partially Premixed Diffusion Flames at Atmospheric Pressure”, this volume, sect. 21
5. B.S. Haynes, H. Gg. Wagner: Prog. Energy Combust. Sci. 7, 229 (1981)