1. Adelman, H.S. (1982): Identifying Learning Problems at an Early Age: A Critical Appraisal. Journal of Clinical Child Psychology 11, 255–261. [COHE*: 314]
2. Buchanan, B. and E. Shortliffe (1984): Rule-Based Expert Systems: The MYCIN Experiments of the Stanford Heuristic Programming Project. Reading, MA etc.: Addison-Wesley. [COHE*: 325; SPAR*: 352]
3. Chin, D. N. (1986): User Modelling in UC, the UNIX Consultant. In: Proc. of the CHI’86, Boston, MA, 24–28. [KOBS*: 57, 65; CHIN*: 74; PARI*: 202, 229; COHE*: 325, 330; FINI*: 414]
4. Cohen, R. (1985): The Need for Pragmatics in Natural Language Understanding. In: Proc. of the Theoretical Issues in Natural Language Understanding Workshop, Dalhousie Univ., Halifax, Nova Scotia. [COHE*: 326]
5. Colbourn (Jones), M. J. (1982): Computer-Guided Diagnosis of Learning Disabilities: A Prototype. M. ED. Thesis, Dept. for the Education of Exceptional Children, Univ. of Saskatchewan, Canada; also Report 82–8, Dept. of Computational Science, Univ. of Saskatchewan; also ERIC Report No. ED 222–032. [COHE*: 314]