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2. Carberry, S. (1983): Tracking User Goals in an Information-Seeking Environment. In: Proc. AAAI-83, 59–63. [WAHL*: 12; KOBS*: 59f.; CHIN*: 78; GARB*: 155; PARI*: 201, 203; FINI*: 413f.]
3. Carberry, S. (1985): A Pragmatics Based Approach to Understanding Intersentential Ellipsis. In: Proc. of the 23rd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Chicago, IL, 188–197.
4. Carberry, S. (1988): Modeling the User’s Plans and Goals. In: Computational Linguistics 14(3), Special Issue on User Modeling (A. Kobsa and W. Wahlster, eds.), 23–37. [PARI*: 201; CARB*: 133; FINI*: 414]
5. Carver, N. F., V. R. Lesser and D. L. McCue (1984): Focusing in Plan Recognition. In: Proc. AAAI-84, 42–48. [CARB*: 153]