1. ÅF-IPK (1995): Energiförbrukning i massa-och pappersindustrin 1994, (Energy Use in the Pulp and Paper Industry 1994), Report to the Swedish Forestry Industries from Ångpanneföreningen-IPK, Stockholm
2. Anderson D. (1995): Roundtable on Energy Efficiency and the Economists — Six Perspectives and An Assessment, Annual Review of Energy and the Environment, Vol. 20, pp. 493–573. (Includes seven chapters by (1) Anderson D., “Energy Efficiency and the Economists: The Case for a Policy Based on Economic Principles” (2) Cicchetti C. J., “Four Misconceptions About Demand Side Management” (3) Cavanagh R., “Energy Efficiency Solutions: What Commodity Prices Can’t Deliver” (4) Joskow P.L., “Utility Subsidized Energy Efficiency Programs” (5) Levine M.D., Koomey J.G., McMahon J.E., Sanstad A.H., and Hirst E., “Energy Efficiency Policy and Market Failures” (6) Nichols A.L., “Demand Side Management: An Nth-Best Solution” (7) Anderson D., “Roundtable on Energy Efficiency and the Economists-An Assessment”)
3. Anonymous (1995): Benefits and Shortcomings of EMAS Revealed as First Five Sites Win Registration, ENDS Report 247 (Environmental Auditing No. 5), August
4. EIA (1996): Profile: U.S. Electric Utility Demand Side Management, Executive Summary, U.S. Energy Information Agency, Department of Energy, Washington, DC, (http://www.eia.doe.gov/cneaf/electricity/pub_summaries/dsm_sum. html), visited 960924
5. Eikeland, P.O. (1995): Norway and the UK: A Comparative Institutional Analysis of Competitive Reforms in the Electricity Supply Industries, EED Report 1995/3, The Fridtjof Nansen Institute, Lysaker, Norway