1. Bailey, C. P., H. E. Bolton, W. L. Jamison, H. T. Nichols and W. Likoff: Methods of Surgical Treatment for Valvular Insufficiency of the Heart, Presented at the International Symposium, Henry Ford Hospital, Detroit, Mich., March 1, 1955.
2. Bailey, C. P., H. E. Bolton and H. P. Redondo-Rarimez: Surgery of the Mitral Valve. Surg. Clin. N. Americ. 32, 1807 (1952).
3. Bailey, C. P. W. L. Jamison, H. E. Bolton, H. T. Nichols and M. Gomez-Almeido: Surgical Treatment of Mitral Eegurgitation (Mitral Suturing). Circulation (New York) (to be published).
4. Bailey, C. P. T. J. E. O’Neill, E. P. Glover, W. L. Jamison and H. P. Redondo-Ramirez: Surgical Repair of Mitral Insufficiency. A Preliminary Eeport. Dis. Chest 19, 125 (1951).
5. Benichoux, E., and P. Chalnot: A Method for the Surgical Correction of Mitral Insufficiency. J. Thorac. Surg. 30, 148 (1955).