1. Brodda, K., Wellner, U., Mutschier, W.: Anew method for detection of P waves in electrocardiograms. Signal Processing), 15–25 (1979)
2. Wellner, U., Brodda, K.: Some remarks on the stability of VCG patterns against perturbations. II. International Congress on Electrocardiology, Varna, UdSSR, October 10th–13th, 1975
3. Wellner, U., Brodda, K., von Mengden, H.-J., Just, H.: A distance measure for visual similarity of vectorcardiograms. Paper presented at BIOSIGMA 78, Paris
4. Wellner, U., Brodda, K.: On relevant and irrelevant information content of ECG’s. In: Medical Data Transmission by Public Telephone Systems. (Hrsg.: v. Mengden, H.-J. und H. Just ), München-Wien-Baltimore: Urban salvoro Schwarzenberg, 1978
5. Wellner, U., Brodda, K.: On the reliability of pattern recognition algorithms for VCGs. Proceedings of the XIX. International Symposium on Vectorcardiography, Glasgow, 1978 Schottland (im Druck )