1. Barmpalias, G., Downey, R., Greenberg, N.: K-trivial degrees and the jump-traceability hierarchy. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society (to appear)
2. Barmpalias, G., Lewis, A., Ng, K.M.: The importance of $\Pi^0_1$ -classes in effective randomness (submitted)
3. Barmpalias, G., Lewis, A., Stephan, F.: $\Pi^0_1$ classes, LR degrees and Turing degrees. Annals of Pure and Applied Logic
4. Bedregal, B., Nies, A.: Lowness properties of reals and hyper-immunity. In: WoLLIC 2003. Electronic Lecture Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, vol. 84 (2003)
5. Bickford, M., Mills, C.: Lowness properties of r.e. sets. Theoretical Computer Science (typewritten unpublished manuscript)