1. Literature has been grouped in reference lists of several chapters in those cases where arguments are difficult to entangle or published over several articles or books. In cases of citation the article or book involved is indicated by the reference number together with a capital Arabic letter.
2. Cummings JM, Rodning CB (2000) Urinary stress incontinence among obese women: Reviews of pathopysiology therapy. Int Urogynecol J 11:41–44
3. De Blok S (1982) The connective tissue of the female pelvic region. Acta Morphol Neerl-Scand 20:65–92
4. De Blok S (1982) Spatial architecture of musculo-fibrous tissue in the female pelvic region. Thesis University Amsterdam, Swets and Zeitlinger B.V., Lisse
5. Richter K, Fick H (1985) Die Anatomie der Fascia pelvis visceralis aus didaktischer Sicht. Geburtsh u. Frauenheilk 45: 282–287