1. Afriat, S. N.: “Preference Scales and Expenditure Systems,” Econometrica 30(1962), 305–323.
2. Afriat, S. N.: “The Validity of the Expected Utility Hypothesis,” Recent Advances in Game Theory, Princeton, 1962, 73–82.
3. Afriat, S. N.: “The Construction of Utility Functions from Expenditure Data,” Cowles Foundation Discussion Paper No. l44 (October, 1964), to appear in the International Economic Review.
4. Afriat, S. N. “The Cost of Living Index,” M. Shubik (Ed.), Studies in Mathematical Economics: Essays in Honor of Oskar Morgenstern, (Chapter 13), to be published by the Princeton University Press.
5. Aumann, R. J.: “Utility Theory without the Completeness Axiom,” Econometrica 30, 3(1962), 445–462.