Abe Hidenao,Tsumoto Shusaku
Springer Berlin Heidelberg
Reference18 articles.
1. The dblp computer science bibliography,
2. Abe, H., Tsumoto, S.: Text categorization with considering temporal patterns of term usages. In: Fan, W., Hsu, W., Webb, G.I., Liu, B., Zhang, C., Gunopulos, D., Wu, X. (eds.) ICDM Workshops, pp. 800–807. IEEE Computer Society (2010)
3. Anderberg, M.R.: Cluster Analysis for Applications. Monographs and Textbooks on Probability and Mathematical Statistics. Academic Press, Inc., New York (1973)
4. Dhillon, I.S.: Co-clustering documents and words using bipartite spectral graph partitioning. In: KDD 2001: Proceedings of the Seventh ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, pp. 269–274. ACM, New York (2001)
5. Keogh, E., Chu, S., Hart, D., Pazzani, M.: Segmenting time series: A survey and novel approach. In: Data mining in Time Series Databases, pp. 1–22. World Scientific (2003) (an Edited Volume)