1. Gorgias: Encomium of Helen (414? BC). MacDowell, D. (trans.). Bristol Classics, Glasgow (1982)
2. Aristotle: On Rhetoric. A Theory of Civic Discourse (360 BC). Kennedy, G.A. (trans.) 2nd edn. Oxford University, New York (2007)
3. Cicero, M.T.: De Inventione (81 BC). Hubbell, H. M. (trans.). Harvard University Press (Loeb Classical Library), Cambridge (1966)
4. Quintilianus, M., Institutiones Oratoriae, F. (100). He, B. (trans.) The InstitutioOratoria of Quintilian (The Loeb Classical Library). Putnam and Sons, New York (1921)
5. Perelman, C., Olbrechts-Tyteca, L.: The New Rhetoric: A Treatise on Argumentation. Wilkinson, J., Weaver, P. (trans.). University of Notre Dame Press, Notre Dame (1969)