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2. Antol, J., Calhoun, P., Flick, J., Hajos, G.A., Kolacinski, R., Minton, D., Owens, R., Parker, J.: Low Cost Mars Surface Exploration: The Mars Tumbleweed, August 2003, NASA/TM-2003-212411 (2003)
3. Antol, J., Calhoun, P.C., Flick, J.J., Hajos, G.A., Keyes, J.P., Stillwagen, F.H., Krizan, S.A., Strickland, C.V., Owens, R., Wisniewski, M.: Mars Tumblweed: FY 2003 Conceptual Design Assessment. NASA Langley Research Center (2005)
4. Antol, J., Chattin, R.L., Copeland, B.M., Krizan, S.A.: The NASA Langley Mars Tumbleweed Rover Prototype. In: 44th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, Reno, Nevada, January 9-12, AIAA-2006-0064 (2006a)
5. Antol, J., Harris, S.B., Hajos, G.A., Strickland, C.V.: Wind Tunnel Tests of Evolved Mars Tumbleweed Concepts. In: 44th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, Reno, Nevada, January 9-12, AIAA-2006-0069 (2006b)