1. Austin, John L. (1972): Zur Theorie der Sprechakte; Stuttgart (Reclam). Engl.: How to do things with words; ed. by J.O. Urmson, Oxford 1962.
2. Bartlett, F.C. (1932): Remembering: A study in experimental and social psychology; Cambridge University Press.
3. Bartsch, Renate/Vennemann, Theo (1972): Semantic Structures; A Study in the Relation between Semantics and Syntax; Frankfurt a. M. ( Athenäum).
4. de Beaugrande, R.A./Dressler W.U. (1981): Einführung in die Textlinguistik; Tübingen (Niemeyer).
5. Semiotica;I Bellert,1970