1. Stephen Cameron and Jon Aylett. ROBMOD: a geometry engine for robotics. In IEEE Int. Conf. Robotics and Automation, pages 880–885, Philadelphia, April 1988.
2. S. A. Cameron. Collision detection by four-dimensional intersection testing. 1989. To be submitted to IEEE J. Rob. Aut.
3. S. A. Cameron. Efficient intersection tests for objects defined constructively. Int. J. Robotics Research, 8(1), February 1989. Similar to Oxford Robotics Group OURRG-87-1.
4. S. A. Cameron and C. K. Yap. The use of bounds in geometric processing. In preparation.
5. J. R. Rossignac and H. B. Voelcker. Active zones in CSG for accelerating boundary evaluation, redundancy elimination, interference detection, and shading algorithms. ACM Trans. Graphics, 8(l):51–87, January 1989. Also as IBM Research Report RC13490, Yorktown Heights, NY, February 1988.