1. Leopold P, Heiss G, Petschko H, Bell R, Glade T (this volume) Susceptibility maps for landslides using different modelling approaches. In: Proceedings of the 2nd world landslide forum, Rome, 3–7 Oct 2011
2. Petschko H, Bell R, Leopold P, Heiss G, Glade T (this volume) Landslide inventories for reliable susceptibility maps. In: Proceedings of the 2nd world landslide forum, Rome, 3–7 Oct 2011
3. Petschko H, Glade T, Bell R, Schweigl J, Pomaroli G (2010) Landslide inventories for regional early warning systems. In: Malet J-P, Glade T, Casagli N (eds) Proceedings of the international conference ‘Mountain Risks: Bringing Science to Society’, Firenze, 24–26 November 2010, pp 277–282
4. Pomaroli G, Bell R, Glade T, Heiss G, Leopold P, Petschko H, Proske H, Schweigl J (2011) Darstellung der Gefährdung durch gravitative Massenbewegungen im Bundesland Niederösterreich als Grundlage der Raumplanung. In: Wildbach und Lawinenverbau. Zeitschrift für Wildbach-, Lawinen-, Erosions- und Steinschlagschutz, Society of Engineers in the Austrian Torrent and Avalanche Control, Wien, 74, 166, pp 198–212
5. Proske H, Bauer C, Granica K (this volume) Different approaches of Rockfall Susceptibility Maps in Lower Austria. In: Proceedings of the 2nd world landslide forum, Rome, 3–7 Oct 2011